Service...our reason for being.

1987 E. US 10, Idlewild, MI 49642
(231) 745-7311
Monday-Friday 6:30 am-6:00pm
Saturday 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Sunday pre-booked 9:00 am-1:00 pm
(Limited to: Webber, Pleasant Plains, and Yates Townships)

Our Mission: To provide a well-coordinated, safe transportation system, with committed staff, providing quality
open-door services for Lake County residents.
Yates Dial-A-Ride was established in August of 1976 as a demand-response transportation system.
Now a brand of the Yates Township Transportation Authority (established in 2022), we provide county-wide
transportation service to local residents, visitors, students, human services agencies and
individuals with special needs and disabilities.
Removing transportation barriers...one mile at a time...
Yates Dial-A-Ride will close at 3:00 pm on Friday, Feb. 14, 2025 for staff training.​
Please check back for current information.
Things to know...

Road Rules - Important rules of the road to ensure a smooth, comfortable and safe ride.

FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions about Yates Dial-A-Ride. Click here.

Volunteer Services & Drivers - Volunteer Services is a transportation program created in collaboration between Yates Dial-A-Ride and agencies in Lake County and the surrounding area. Drivers are always needed. Click here.

Job Opportunities - Every day YDART employees make a difference in the lives of the people of Lake County. We’re seeking high-caliber team players who share our values and our dedication to customer service. Click here.